Kill Anything That Moves Epub
Kill Anything That Moves Epub
Back at their base he filed a complaint about the killing of civilians that he had witnessed. The Army covered it up. But eventually the journalist Seymour Hersh found out about the massacre, and his report made it worldwide news and a turning point in the war. Afterwards Thompson testified at the trial of Lt. William Calley, the commanding officer during the massacre.
Evaluating children for sexual assault or abuse should be conducted in a manner designed to minimize pain and trauma to the child. Examinations and collection of vaginal specimens in prepubertal girls can be extremely uncomfortable and should be performed by an experienced clinician to avoid psychological and physical trauma to the child. The decision to obtain genital or other specimens from a child to evaluate for STIs should be made on an individual basis. However, children who received a diagnosis of one STI should be screened for other STIs. History and reported type of sexual contact might not be a reliable indicator, and urogenital, pharyngeal, and rectal testing should be considered for preverbal children and children who cannot verbalize details of the assault (1438,1449). Factors that should lead the physician to consider testing for STIs include the following (1449):
During the following weeks of that term, and for the rest of his yearas a visiting lecturer, Feyerabend demolished virtually everytraditional academic boundary. He held no idea and no person sacred.With unprecedented energy and enthusiasm he discussed anything fromAristotle to the Azande. How does science differ from witchcraft Doesit provide the only rational way of cognitively organizing ourexperience What should we do if the pursuit of truth cripples ourintellects and stunts our individuality Suddenly epistemology becamean exhilarating area of investigation.
On December 3 1984, more than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate gas leaked from a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, immediately killing at least 3,800 people and causing significant morbidity and premature death for many thousands more. The company involved in what became the worst industrial accident in history immediately tried to dissociate itself from legal responsibility. Eventually it reached a settlement with the Indian Government through mediation of that country's Supreme Court and accepted moral responsibility. It paid $470 million in compensation, a relatively small amount of based on significant underestimations of the long-term health consequences of exposure and the number of people exposed. The disaster indicated a need for enforceable international standards for environmental safety, preventative strategies to avoid similar accidents and industrial disaster preparedness.
December 2004 marked the twentieth anniversary of the massive toxic gas leak from Union Carbide Corporation's chemical plant in Bhopal in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India that killed more than 3,800 people. This review examines the health effects of exposure to the disaster, the legal response, the lessons learned and whether or not these are put into practice in India in terms of industrial development, environmental management and public health.
Estimates of the number of people killed in the first few days by the plume from the UCC plant run as high as 10,000, with 15,000 to 20,000 premature deaths reportedly occurring in the subsequent two decades [6]. The Indian government reported that more than half a million people were exposed to the gas [7]. Several epidemiological studies conducted soon after the accident showed significant morbidity and increased mortality in the exposed population. Table 1. summarizes early and late effects on health. These data are likely to under-represent the true extent of adverse health effects because many exposed individuals left Bhopal immediately following the disaster never to return and were therefore lost to follow-up [8].
The tragedy of Bhopal continues to be a warning sign at once ignored and heeded. Bhopal and its aftermath were a warning that the path to industrialization, for developing countries in general and India in particular, is fraught with human, environmental and economic perils. Some moves by the Indian government, including the formation of the MoEF, have served to offer some protection of the public's health from the harmful practices of local and multinational heavy industry and grassroots organizations that have also played a part in opposing rampant development. The Indian economy is growing at a tremendous rate but at significant cost in environmental health and public safety as large and small companies throughout the subcontinent continue to pollute. Far more remains to be done for public health in the context of industrialization to show that the lessons of the countless thousands dead in Bhopal have truly been heeded.
The book makes one simple argument: that humans have deep, animalistic instincts to eat, kill, or fuck everything. Freud argued that civilization could only arise when enough humans learned to repress these deeper and baser urges, to push them into the unconscious where (according to his model) they would fester and ultimately generate all sorts of neuroses.
Table 1 summarizes the frequency of mass shootings and the number of fatalities and injuries for each database. In 2017, GVA recorded the highest number of mass shootings at 346 incidents, whereas Mother Jones recorded the lowest number at 11 incidents. The FBI SHR counted the fewest total fatalities at 109 individuals, and GVA counted the most fatalities at 437 individuals. GVA had the fewest average victims per shooting at 6.5 victims injured or killed. The FBI SHR does not collect information on injuries that may have occurred with a homicide, so we cannot determine total victims in mass shooting incidents with this dataset. It is worthwhile to note that the Las Vegas shooting, which recorded over 500 casualties, is responsible for the high standard deviations.
The main limitation of this study was that data were sometimes unreliable, depending on the database being examined. For example, expired links to news articles on the GVA website impeded our ability to verify events when it seemed that the perpetrator was included in the victim count. Also, data from the SHR sometimes conflicted with data from other sources; an event found in SHR and another database would sometimes list information incorrectly in SHR. However, we believe that the major differences in mass shooting definitions among databases are still adequately highlighted. If anything, these issues with the datasets serve as more proof that we need a federal database that accurately captures information about these events.
The study was conducted in the Haut Uele district within the Orientale Province of northeastern DRC, a rural region bordered by South Sudan to the north, Central African Republic to the west and Uganda to the east. The predominant tribe is Zande, who traditionally engage in subsistence agriculture, while the minority nomadic pastoralist tribe, the Mbororo, move across the region seasonally. In 2011, during the time that this research was carried out, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that 443,702 people had been displaced by the LRA in the Orientale Province since 2003, with roughly 60 % of this displacement (257,265 individuals) occurring in Haute Uele. The towns of Dungu and Faradje were home to over three-quarters of those displaced in Haute Uele [22].
Public violence was described as a way to ensure that abducted children were aware of the price of disobedience. Killing and beatings were used to discourage escape in particular. Participants explained how LRA command would bring the transgressor back to the group and kill him or her in front of the other abductees in order to send a public message.
Psychosocial interventions should therefore address not only individual healing of former abductees, but focus on helping these individuals once again build communication and trust skills with family members and peers. A randomized control trial conducted in LRA affected areas in DRC for war-affected boys, including former child soldiers, found that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) modified to be culturally relevant, proved effective in improving mental health [41]. Another study enrolled 159 war-affected youth in LRA-affected Haut-Uele Province of DRC into a community-participative psychosocial intervention involving trainings with life skills and relaxation. Immediately post-intervention, youth showed significantly lower post-traumatic stress reactions compared to controls and positive effects continued to be evident three months post-intervention [42].
White's famous tetralogy: four novels about the early life and subsequent reign of King Arthur. The first three novels had previously appeared separately, but the first of them, The Sword in the Stone, was revised substantially for this 1958 republication. [Suggest a different description.] Please enter a suggested description. Limit the size to 1000 characters. However, note that many search engines truncate at a much shorter size, about 160 characters. Your suggestion will be processed as soon as possible. Description: Downloads:6,658Pages:409 Author Bio for White, T. H. (Terence Hanbury)
Mosquito saliva-treated PBMCs had lower supernatant concentrations at all time points of most cytokines examined compared to those of the untreated control, with the most significant decreases at days 1 and 2 post treatment (Fig 2). The most significantly lowered cytokines were PDGF-AA, PDGF-BB, and RANTES, all of which are secreted in response to endothelium wall breach and promote clotting and immune cell recruitment [38, 39]. These functions would antagonize mosquito feeding; thus, suppression of these cytokines by mosquito saliva is not unexpected. However, RANTES does regulate CD8+ T cell functions during West Nile virus and HIV infections, so suppression of this cytokine by mosquito saliva could impact the anti-viral immune response [40]. We also observed a decrease in levels of IP-10 in saliva-treated PBMCs; IP-10 is a chemokine that can attract a wide variety of immune cells, including monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells [41]. In the context of dengue virus infection, IP-10 has been shown to have a protective effect by competitively inhibiting the access of dengue virus to heparin sulfate, a putative host cell receptor [42, 43]; thus, mosquito saliva could potentially enhance infection by decreasing IP-10 levels. Currently, we are unable to determine whether mosquito saliva actively inhibits the process of cytokine production or merely kills the cells responsible for producing the cytokines. 153554b96e